School Coastal Studies (Manly)
The expert SEA Australia team have designed the coastal studies course utilizing the incredible and unique coastline surrounding Manly Beach, Cabbage Tree Bay, Shelly Beach and North Head. The program also incorporates specialized rip education, and learning about sandbanks, and surf & beach structures. The program caters for primary and high schools.
The venue is spectacular - due to the variation in the coastal composition, the dynamic sea life in the marine reserve, unique rock platforms, and stunning beaches & cliff faces, providing a picturesque education platform amid the Manly surrounds. The coastline - intervened by humans to protect it from weather and ocean extremes, provides a complete educational coastal studies course.
Programs are developed in line with various syllabus outcomes and include - beach games for K-3 years, work books for years 7-12, and an option to include a paddle out on foam boards to cabbage tree bay, to view the marine life and rock platforms with snorkel and masks. Due to SEA Australia's experience in practical ocean and surf programs - there are no limitations as to how we educate the school children, so getting wet is no problem. Programs commence in term 1 - 2019, so please book early or contact us for more information.
Program content
Rips, headland rips, sand banks & long-shore gutters
Rock platforms and how they affect the waves
Human intervention - protecting the coastline from erosion
Marine reserve
Sea life
Variations in rocks
Storms and affects
Variations in the sand & the coastline
January 1 - 31 October, The best time of year for the program is terms 2 & 3 due to the calm weather conditions at Manly and crystal clear waters due to predominant off shore winds (As seen by most of these images taken on a typical winters day).
Paddle out and snorkel: paddle out on foam boards to cabbage tree bay to view the marine life and rock platforms with snorkel and masks.
2.5 hours for coastal studies program, 3 hrs with practical swimming component, 3.5hrs with snorkelling.