School Surf Survival
Surf survival courses are a pre-requisite for school students to participate in school surfing programs for school sport under the supervision of school teachers only.
Surf survival courses are a pre-requisite for school students to participate in school surfing programs for school sport under the supervision of teachers only.
*Programs can also be accessed individually by students in school holidays
Without passing the surf survival course award - it would be inadvisable for teachers to take school kids into the surf during school hours under their supervision (SEA Australia can otherwise cater in this instance).
The Award course listed below
Teachers can also participate in award courses to allow them to take their students into the surf for surfing sport programs. SEA Australia is an authorised supplier of these courses.
Course outlines
Theory in-school
Surf zones – safe and dangerous areas
Rip education – identification and easy escape methods
Waves – negotiating and returning to the beach safely
Basic CPR an 1st aid
Beach program (student) - 3 hr practical course (OSSA)
Still water skills evaluation
Surf survival and self-rescue skills
Rip education– identification and practical management
Basic rescue in moderate surf conditions
Surf negotiation with and without a foam surfboard
Swimming and floatation competencies
Basic surf mission